– The project aims at adopting a virtuous model in the field of “informational self-determination” for data processing, for the purpose of tackling the phenomenon of “digital colonialism”. The attribution of an economic value to personal data has marked the evolution of the data’s function: alongside the idea according which data are considered as an expression of the individual’s personality, a “negotiation” aspect emerges, by which data are likely to be the subject of commercial transactions. Their ambivalent nature must lead to an increase in the forms of protection for the users of digital services who, in the World Wide Web, are in the position of “weak” parties. Alongside “informed” consent, it is necessary to start talking about “conscious” consent, i.e. the need to create awareness in users of the final utilization of their data when they express consent to their processing. The central point of the project is a specialized teaching course divided into three steps, each lasting one year. The module will also rely on social media pages, video lessons and a dedicated website. Conferences, seminars, workshops and open days will be organized. The project is intended for university students of the Department of Legal Sciences, students of other departments of Salerno University, high schools, doctoral students, researchers, professionals in the field, and, thanks to digital tools, to an even wider audience. The aim is to promote knowledge of the legislation on the protection of privacy in the digital world, supported and guaranteed by the European institutions. Our goal is to build specialized skills in the digital field which can be used in a working environment, and to promote a dialogue between the academic world and society in general.